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The Pumpkin cheesecake

 What is your favorite vegetable? I like Pumpkin. Pumpkin is one of my top 3 favorite vegetables. I made it because I just like pumpkins, without any special reason that my mom or grandma made it for me. So, this time I would like to make sweets using pumpkins. Have you ever eaten pumpkin cheesecake?  I've eaten pumpkin pudding and cakes, but never pumpkin cheesecake. So, I would like to make Pumpkin cheesecake. 

Pumpkin nutrition is expected to have the effect of strengthening immunity and relieving fatigue. Moreover, the pumpkin skin contains plenty of dietary fiber.

Pumpkin has a beautiful yellow color, so I want to make it a sweets that makes the most of it.

[Materials and what you need]

・Pumpkin              (250g)

・Cream cheese     (150g)

・Soy milk       (100ml)

・Egg       (2 eggs)

・Sugar                   (20g)

・Cake flor            (30g)

・Butter      (40g)

・Cookie          (4 sheets)

・Pie sheet      (1 sheet)

・Heat resistant container 




・kitchen knife


[How to make]

1. Make from the foundation

First, Melt 40 grams of butter in the microwave. And, crush the cookies.

Add the crushed cookies to the melted butter.

2. Next, place a pie sheet on the side of the heat resistant container. Spread the cookies in a heat resistant container. 

When the base is ready, put it in the refrigerator.

3.  Make the dough

First, the pumpkin warms in the microwave at 600W for 4 minutes.

Cut out the pumpkin skin. Make the Pumpkin paste.

4.Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

5. Add cream cheese and sugar to the pasty pumpkin and mix.

Add eggs, soy milk and cake flour to 3 and mix. Stir well.

6.Pour 5 into the mold.

7. Heat in the oven at 180° for 55minutes.

8. Check with a toothpick to see if it’s cooked to the middle.

9. Remove from the mold after the heat is removed.

I ate three kinds of food after it was freshly baked, cooled, and left in the refrigerator for a day.  My recommendation is to keep it in the refrigerator for a day.  After leaving it for a day, I was able to fully enjoy the taste of cheese.  Freshly baked, it had a very pumpkin feel. Even if I didn't use a lot of sugar, it was very sweet because of the unique sweetness of vegetables. Also, the pumpkin was warm and soft, so I think the fork also peeled it off.  Therefore, most of the processes can be done with one fork, so I think that even busy people can make it because there is little washing. So, I recommend it for everyone from children to adults. Please make it.  I think it's delicious not only with pumpkin but also with sweet potatoes and carrots.


Thank you for reading!!
