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8月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

The Pumpkin cheesecake

  What is your favorite vegetable? I like Pumpkin. Pumpkin is one of my top 3 favorite vegetables. I made it because I just like pumpkins, without any special reason that my mom or grandma made it for me. So, this time I would like to make sweets using pumpkins. Have you ever eaten pumpkin cheesecake?  I've eaten pumpkin pudding and cakes, but never pumpkin cheesecake. So, I would like to make Pumpkin cheesecake.  Pumpkin nutrition is expected to have the effect of strengthening immunity and relieving fatigue. Moreover, the pumpkin skin contains plenty of dietary fiber. Pumpkin has a beautiful yellow color, so I want to make it a sweets that makes the most of it. [Materials and what you need] ・Pumpkin              (250g) ・Cream cheese     (150g) ・Soy milk       (100ml) ・Egg       (2 eggs) ・Sugar                   (20g) ・Cake flor            (30g) ・Butter...